5 Proven Ways to Reduce Anxiety Symptoms Today

anxiety treatment Ottawa

OF COURSE, we are stressed out and having anxiety and panic attacks. Of course, we feel overwhelmed and wish for more daily hours. We might sleep too much when we don’t want to think of the day or too little when we can’t shut our thoughts down. Will that tub of ice cream help? Only temporarily, which comes with the unwanted extra pounds and the regrets of having to eat them! Will screaming into our pillow make us feel better? FOR SURE! But once again, these are temporary solutions. We all know that in the depths of our unconscious. Don’t worry if you don’t know or need to remind yourself, let me tell you. We can’t avoid anxiety-ridden situations or days. They will always be knocking on our door. Indeed, each person is different, and certain events will cause anxiety, whereas for others, it may not. Sometimes, we cannot do anything to make it go away on our own, but effective anxiety treatment in Ottawa can provide the support you need to manage these feelings and regain control.


If you do not know whether you have anxiety or not, here are some of the symptoms:

  • Your heart is beating fast
  • Your breathing has increased
  • Your hands are sweaty.
  • You might be taking short and fast breaths
  • You may be feeling dizzy, having a hard time focusing and having anxiety-provoking thoughts.

Here are 5 things we CAN do can help reduce anxiety symptoms and perhaps even make us feel like we have a handle on it.


Take a deep breath! Yes, it helps. As soon as you feel your heart rate going up, breathe. If you feel disoriented, overwhelmed or panicky, BREATH. It sounds like a little thing to do, but it has a significant impact. When you pause for a minute and focus on your breathing, and even better by counting to five when you breathe in and five when you breathe out, you pause everything, and you can do it as often as you like until things improve. By breathing slowly and steadily, you are slowing down your rhythms. So, that fast heart rate will get slower. Your rushing thoughts will also slow down, and your panic should improve.


I am not the type that enjoys exercising. I will be the first to admit that. But I am also aware of the benefits of exercising, especially for people who suffer from forms of anxiety or depression. Yes, exercising can help tone your body and greatly benefit weight loss, but it is a proven anti-stressor. Your endorphins rise, your serotonin levels go up, and you feel euphoric. Exercising can raise confidence during your workout; by the end, your body and mind focus on relaxing and recovering, which can also reduce any opposing thoughts or feelings.


Take a pause and think. What is happening right now? Why am I anxious? Is there something I can do to make this go away? Become an analytical thinker. Break down what is giving your anxiety. By asking yourself questions and providing answers to them, you are, in a way, categorizing what you are going through, which in turn makes the cloud of thoughts make more sense (we also sometimes may exaggerate situations in our state of panic) and may give you a calmer and better understanding of direction and how to face things more appropriately.


What is your go-to relaxing thought? What is your favourite place you like going to or the people that you enjoy the most and that make you laugh? Go there with your mind. While you are going through anxiety, picture the last message you received, which was relaxing and took away any tension. Focus on your favourite tree (mine is a weeping willow tree) and picture a light breeze moving the branches and the leaves while you sit next to it, feeling calm and secure. Picture your best friend with whom you laugh a lot, and visualize both laughing. Visualizing a happy place, a moment, or a feeling can bring a sense of calmness and relief. Do this, and even better, accompany it with the slow breathing I mentioned earlier, and you can have great benefits.


Keeping your feelings in does not help. Sharing thoughts and fears about what you are going through is sometimes not easy and takes courage, but the result can be a relief and perhaps even a conclusion on improving your state. Talk to a friend, a family member or a counsellor. Someone else might give you a different perspective on your situation, or just opening up can be a relief. Talking to a mental health professional can be a great benefit in helping tackle certain situations. A counsellor will listen to you, not judge and be there to discuss any concerns you have and provide you with the tools you need towards a better state of mind and emotional well-being.

Anxiety doesn’t have to rule your life. Our anxiety treatment in Ottawa provides proven strategies to help you regain calm and control. Make the first move toward a peaceful mind—schedule your session today.

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