COVID-19 and Mental Health: How to Cope During the Pandemic

COVID-19 mental health support Ottawa

In the Ottawa / Gatineau region, schools, universities, and daycares have closed for two weeks or offered remote attendance. We are not allowed to gather in places of 250 people or more. We are advised to try to remain indoors and to make sure we sanitize and wash our hands many times a day. Many public places have hand wipes at the entrance; in some places, a security guard ensures we clean our hands as soon as we enter. Toilet paper is nowhere to be found in grocery stores, the economy is taking a big hit, and flights are being cancelled. Watching the news or reading articles might feel like we are entering a zombie apocalypse. These are trying times. It is not easy; it feels scary, and for some, it is pretty intense. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone—COVID-19 mental health support in Ottawa is available to help you navigate these challenges and find peace of mind.

This might affect people with pre-existing mental health conditions, health care providers and first responders directly involved in helping with the response to COVID-19, as well as people with weaker immune systems and older people who are at a higher risk.


In situations like these, panic may ensue, anxiety levels rise, and fear and confusion might take place. Symptoms that may arise are:

  • Fear and stress about your own health and the health of your loved ones
  • difficulty sleeping
  • Changes in eating patterns
  • Having a hard time concentrating
  • An increase in substance use or worsening of chronic health conditions.

Things to Do:

  • Take time to unwind. Focus on your hobbies, any interest you may have that you could do safely. If you do not know what that is try different things out. Go online and search for options or ask friends and family what they enjoy doing and see if anything sparks an interest.
  • Talk to others. Make time to connect and voice concerns and feelings to people you feel close to.
  • Meditate, take deep breaths, stretch, try to eat healthy, exercise, try to create a routine for sleep and avoid alcohol or drugs.
  • Avoid social media. Step away from watching, listening and/ or reading news stories. Staying on top of the news on a constant basis becomes overwhelming and unnerving.
  • Talk with your children about their concerns. Answer their questions, provide them with facts about COVID-19 in a way they can understand, and reassure them that through proper steps, they can be safe.
  • Maintain a routine for children who will have to stay home when schools are closed: schedule learning, relaxing, and fun activities.

Struggling with COVID-19 stress? Our COVID-19 mental health support in Ottawa helps you build resilience and regain peace of mind. Get the help you need—book a session today.

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